The AgroBioTech Research Center, hosted in 18th – 19th of July, 2019 professor from USA, Louisiana State University (LSU): Dr. Jeff S. Kuehny, Resident director and Professor of Horticulture. Professor Kuehny focuses in his research on the plant physiology of ornamental crops. His research includes development of plant growth and nutrient uptake models of chrysanthemum; translocation and allocation of both herbaceous and woody ornamental species; research on production of bulb various bulb crops and investigating production and landscape problems of bedding plants.
Professor Kuehny was accompanied by the Director of the Research Centre AgroBioTech, Ing. Lucia Gabríny, PhD. In the frame of strengthening the cooperation between the ABT RC and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), prof. Kuehny visited the Mlynany Arboretum of the SAS, where he discussed with the head of Arboretum: Ing. Jana Konôpková, PhD., Head of Dendrobiology department: Ing. Peter Ferus, PhD., and other college from Dendrobiology department: Ing. Jaroslav Michalko, PhD., and Head of Department of Living Collections and Special Collection: Ing. Peter Hoťka, PhD. mutual opportunities of the research cooperation and possible exchange of plant material for research purposes.
Professor Kuehny also visited the Botanical garden of the Slovak University of Agriculture, guided by the Director: Ing. Erika Mňahončáková, PhD. Professor Kuehny found the so called witches brooms, which the Botanical garden successfully grows, the most interesting.
The next visit was dedicated to the Interactive garden of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, where Ing. Ladislav Bakay, PhD. from the Department of Planting Design and Maintenance guided professor Kuehny.
Before professor Kuehny left, he also visited the selected laboratories of the AgroBioTech Research Center, where the most interesting from his research point of view was Laboratory of Production Physiology and Plant Ecophysiology.
The visit of professor Kuehny established not only the cooperation with the ABT Research Center, with the Botanical Garden and with the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape
Engineering of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, but also with the Mlynany Arboretum of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the field of environmental sciences.