An international meeting of the project “Investigation of Traditional Cheese Production Technology and Standards in the Light of European Union – BestCHEESE” took place in Turkey from the 20th to 24th of September 2021 under the Erasmus+ program and under the auspices of Eskisehir Agriculture and Forestry Directorate. The aim of the international project is to standardize the production of dairy products through the creation of national hygiene and production standards. Together with the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 3 research institutions from Turkey (Eskisehir Agriculture and Forestry Directorate, Veterinary Faculty of Ankara University, Batman Agriculture and Forestry Directorate), 1 from Italy (Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Agrigento), and 1 from Slovenia (Veterinary Faculty of University of Ljubljana) are involved in the project. On behalf of the Slovak side, the meeting was attended by researchers from the AgroBioTech Research Centre – Mgr. Petra Borotová and Ing. Mária Tirpáková, Ph.D.
During the weekly workshop, the participants of the meeting had the opportunity to look into four establishments dedicated to the production of local cheeses and other dairy products. In addition to excursions in production facilities, the workshop also consisted of lectures focused on technological procedures and European hygiene standards in the production of traditional cheeses. Representatives from AgroBioTech RC spoke at the meeting entitled “Production methods Slovenská bryndza, Slovenská Parenica, Slovenský syr – oštiepok”.
Other project meetings will take place in the European partner countries, the meeting is also planned in Slovakia. The AgroBioTech RC is implementing a project in cooperation with the Food Institute, FBFS.
The conclusions of the project contained in this workshop will be the basis for building innovative and professional approaches that will lead to the modernization of milk processing and dairy production, with regard to quality and control standards across EU countries.