The fourth meeting of the project named “Examination of Production Technologies and Hygiene Standards of Local Cheeses in the Light of EU”, whose short name is BestCHEESE and which received grant support on behalf of Eskişehir Agriculture and Forestry Directorate, 24-28 May 2022 in was held in Agrigento, Italy
Project coordinator institution Eskişehir Agriculture and Forestry Directorate from Turkey, Project Partners; Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Lubliyana Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ankara University, Batman Agriculture and Forestry Directorate, the project partner Agrigento Provincial Health Directorate, located on Sicily island of Italy, participated.
The project was opened by the host institution Agrigento Public Health official Dr. Mario ZAPPIA and Project contact person Dr. Giuseppe Salvatore VELLA.
Ender Muhammed GÜMÜŞ, Eskişehir Agriculture and Forestry Provincial Director, who is the official of the project owner institution; About the project website and e-learning training modules, Project Coordinator, Veterinarian Dr. Hatice OLCAY gave information about the project activities.
Within the scope of the project, which lasted for 5 days, including 2 days of field work and 3 days of office work, a family business called Mangiapane in the Cammarata Region of Sicily Island was visited on the first day and the production technology of Caciocavallo Local Cheese obtained from bovine milk was examined on site. At the same time, the second family business named LiChiani, which produces local cheese in this region, was also visited. On the second day, the production methods were examined in a family business where Sparacino Cheese and Ricotto Local Cheese, obtained from sheep’s milk, are produced in the Sambucadi Sicilia Region of Sicily Island.
Then, information was obtained about the production methods of traditional Italian cheeses produced from goat milk, Girgentana, in the family business Azienda DavideLoNardo. Local cheeses made with fig milk and fig leaves, lemon, grape leaves, garlic, orange, black poppy and produced in different flavors were tested by the project team. Then, t6he world-famous Dalli Cardillo Mozzarella cheese facility was also inspected on site.
Finally, the Mayor of the city of Campobellodi Licata, Giovanni Gioacchino Picone, hosted the Erasmus Group in his office and gave information about the work done in the city, and cooperation was ensured on the projects to be done in the future.
In the office work, the project participants made their presentations on the topics included in the agenda prepared in advance and exchanged views on EU legislation.
The project ended with good wishes and memory photos.