The Second International Meeting (TPM-2) of the Project named „Investigation of Traditional Cheese Production Technology and Standards in the Light of European Union“, „BestCHEESE“ 2019-1-TR01—KA202-077415 number of which we are a partner, was held in Ljubljana /Slovenia, between 23-26 November 2021.
The owner of the project carried out under the Erasmus + program; Eskişehir Agriculture and Forestry Directorate. Partners of the project; Ljubljana Veterinary Faculty (Slovenia), Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Agrigento (ItalySlovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia), Ankara university (Turkey) Batman Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry(Turkey).
Within the scope of the project, family businesses that produce local cheese in the Alps Region and on the Italian Border were visited on 23 and 24 November 2021. Gained information about old and new production technologies.
The project contact person, who works at the host institution Ljubljana Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, opened the Project,. Assoc. Proffessor Tomaz SNOJ did it.
Project Purpose: To contribute to the elimination of regional differences by developing ICT-based training methodologies on traditional cheese production technologies, food safety and hygiene in EU member and candidate countries.
In office work, taking into account the issues on the agenda of the project participants; They shared information about the production technologies of local cheeses in their own countries and the relevant legislation. After the field and office work, the project participants gathered around a table and shared their knowledge and experience.
Erasmus + Program Dissemination and Visibility Principles were complied with in office and field studies.
After the project activities are completed, 10 lessons in 5 different languages, open to everyone, and 2 training modules of 10 hours duration will be created as the output of the project. The program ended with good wishes, wishes and photographs.