On July, 15th – 16th, 2019, AgroBioTech Research Center, hosted professor Kayanush J. Aryana Ph.D., CFS., Diplomate ACAS from Louisiana State University, USA.
The research of professor Kayanush J. Aryana, School of Nutrition and Food Science of the Louisiana State University is oriented on functional products, quality of foods of animal origins and probiotics. Currently, his main focus is in the area of dairy products, in particular in yogurts, cheese and ice-cream.
During his stay, professor Kayanush Aryana visited few laboratories of the ABT Research Center and he proposed the opportunities for strengthening the research cooperation in the field of dairy products, sensory analysis, microscopic analysis as well as in other overlapping research areas.
After the visit of the laboratories, there was a discussion with professor Aryana and the director of the ABT RC Ing. Lucia Gabríny, PhD. with representative of ABT RC – Ing. Matej Hynšt and representatives of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences: doc. Ing. Margita Čanigová, CSs. a Ing. Viera Ducková, PhD. from the Department of Technology and Quality of Animal Products about the opportunities of further research cooperation in the field of dairy products.