Excellence Center

for Integrated River Basin Management in Climate Change Conditions


Excellence Center for Integrated River Basin Management in Climate Change Conditions (CEIMP)

In 2011, the Center for Integrated River Basin Management was set up at the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, under conditions of climate change within the framework of the EU Structural Funds. The project underwent modernization and upgrading of existing laboratories. The Excellence Center with the AgroBioTech Research Center coordinates its infrastructure and research and development.




Scientific Research Activities of CEIMP:


  • Study of processes of creation and dynamics of water supply, analysis of soil properties in connection with soil humidity, movement of soil water, methods of measurement and time and space variability of soil moisture with subsequent mathematical simulation of water transport in biotopes,
  • Building a database for spatial analysis of hydrophysical characteristics of agricultural land used.
  • Creation of methodology for determination of particle size distribution by laser diffraction,
  • Quantification of the greenhouse gas emission reduction potential through application of soil bio-waste and nitrogen input management without negative impacts on field crops and soil quality,
  • Modeling greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural land,
  • Addressing the issues of integrated soil protection and water resources in agricultural land in the context of the protection of water resources from pollution by agricultural activities and soil protection from water erosion including normative and publishing activities,
  • Analyzing the energy and moisture safety of agricultural crops,
  • Analysis of agro-climatic and agro-hydrological elements on the territory of Slovakia in the context of climate change,
  • Analysis of the impact of the use of agricultural landscapes and urbanized areas on the quality of surface water and the spread of pollution in the aquatic environment,
  • Research and analysis of more efficient use of local water resources in the country with regard to climate change – water retention in the country, new technologies and ways of controlling the soil moisture regime by irrigation.


  • (VEGA 1/0136/12): Analýza emisií oxidu dusného (N2O) z poľnohospodársky využívaných pôd vybraného územia a návrh možných stratégií na ich zníženie.
    Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Ing. Ján Horák, PhD.
  • (APVV 0512-12): Analýza emisií oxidu dusného z poľnohospodársky využívaných pôd a návrh opatrení na ich redukciu.
    Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Ing. Dušan Igaz, PhD.
  • (APVV-15-0160): Eliminovanie degradačných procesov v pôde obnovením biodiverzity.
    Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Ing. Ján Horák, PhD.
  • (VEGA2/0040/12): Komplexná matematická simulácia transportu vody, chemických látok a tepelnej energie v poľnohospodárskych a lesných biotopoch s dôrazom na extrémne situácie.
    Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Ing. Dušan Igaz, PhD.
  • (KEGA 019SPU-4/2017): Inovácia vzdelávacieho procesu v oblasti hydropedológie s implementáciou excelentného centra do procesu výučby.
    Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. Ing. Dušan Igaz, PhD.
  • (APVV-16-0278): Využitie hydromelioračných stavieb na zmiernenie negatívnych účinkov extrémnych hydrologických javov vplývajúcich na kvalitu vodných útvarov v poľnohospodárskej krajine.
    Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Ing. Ľuboš Jurík, PhD.
  • (APVV-15-0562): Efektívne riadenie závlah, ako nástroj adaptácie na meniacu sa klímu.
    Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Ing. Viliam Bárek, PhD.
  • (APVV-0274-10): Kvantifikácia vplyvu vstupných údajov a parametrov modelového prostriedku na presnosť výstupov simulačných modelov disperzie.
    Zodpovedný riešiteľ: doc. Ing. Peter Halaj, CSc.


  • HORÁK, Ján – KONDRLOVÁ, Elena – IGAZ, Dušan – ŠIMANSKÝ, Vladimír – FELBER, Raphael – LUKAC, Martin – BALASHOV, Eugene – BUCHKINA Natalya – RIZHIYA, Y. Elena – JANKOWSKI, Michal. Biochar and biochar with N-fertilizer affect soil N2O emission in Haplic Luvisol. In Biologia, 2017, vol.72, no.9. Indexované v: CC, WoS, IF: 0,719
  • ŠIMANSKÝ, Vladimír – HORÁK, Ján – IGAZ, Dušan – JONCZAK, J. – MARKIEWICZ, Maciej – FELBER, R. – RIZHIYA, Elena – LUKÁČ, Martin. How dose of biochar and biochar with nitrogen can improve the parameters of soil organic matter and soil structure? In Biologia. ISSN 0006-3088, 2016, vol. 71, no. 9, s. 989-99. Indexované v: CC, WoS, IF: 0,719
  • IGAZ, Dušan – ŠIMANSKÝ, Vladimír – HORÁK, Ján – KONDRLOVÁ, Elena – DOMANOVÁ, Jana – RODNÝ, Marek – P.BUCHKINA, Natalya. Can a single dose of biochar affect selected soil physical and chemical characteristics? In Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2018, 66, no. 4, s. 421-428.  (CC)
  • Vladimír Šimanský, Dušan Igaz, Ján Horák, Peter Šurda, Marek Kolenčík, Natalya P. Buchkina, Łukasz Uzarowicz, Martin Juriga, Dušan Šrank, Žaneta Pauková. Response of soil organic carbon and water-stable aggregates to different biochar treatments including nitrogen fertilization In Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, vol. 66, no. 4, s. 429-436. >. (CC)
  • KONDRLOVÁ, Elena – HORÁK, Ján – IGAZ, Dušan. Effect of biochar and nutrient amendment on vegetative growth of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Malz). In Australian journal of crop science. ISSN 1835-2693, 2018, vol. 12, no. 2, s. 178-184. (SCOPUS)
  • TÁRNÍK, Andrej – TÁRNÍKOVÁ, Mária. Analysis of the development of available soil water storage in the Nitra river. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — Vol. 245, iss. 6, [7 s.]. [SCOPUS, IF>0,4]
  • IGAZ, Dušan – HORÁK, Ján – KONDRLOVÁ, Elena. Effect of biochar with compost on the soil water content. In 2nd international conference on bioresources, energy, environment, and materials technology 1 CD-ROM (98 s.) Bioresources, energy, environment, and materials technology. Soul : Korea University, [1] s.
  • HORÁK, Ján – IGAZ, Dušan. Effect of biochar application to slightly acidic haplic luvisol. In 2nd international conference on bioresources, energy, environment, and materials technology 1 CD-ROM (98 s.) Bioresources, energy, environment, and materials technology. Soul : Korea University, 2018, [1] s.
  • KONDRLOVÁ, Elena – HORÁK, Ján – IGAZ, Dušan – DOBIAŠOVÁ, Dagmar. The possibility of using digital images in assessment of plant canopy development and weed spread. In Acta horticulturae et regiotecturae. ISSN 1335-2563, 2017, vol. 20, iss. 2, s. 35-39.
  • Dušan Igaz, Miroslava Šinkovičová, Ján Horák, Elena Kondrlová, USE OF LASER ANALYSIS IN HYDROPEDOLOGY, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety ISSN 1314-7234, Volume 12,
  • HÚSKA, Dušan – JURÍK, Ľuboš – JUREKOVÁ, Zuzana a kol. Vplyv antropogénnych činiteľov na kvalitu povrchových vôd v čiastkovom povodí toku Žitava Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2013. — 181 s., ISBN : 978-80-552-1131-2
  • JURÍK, Ľuboš – et al. Soil water content evaluation and modelling in small catchment with agricultural use. In: Acta scientiarum Polonorum. — ISSN 1644-0765. — Vol. 12, no. 3 (2013), s. 53-62.
  • JURÍK, Ľuboš – et al.  Small water reservoirs – sources of water or problems? In: Journal of Ecological Engineering. — ISSN 2081-139X. — Vol. 16, no. 4 (2015), s. 22-28.