Laboratory of biomass gasification





Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory



  • Monitoring the energy intensity of the preparation and thermochemical conversion of biomass,
  • verifying the influence of input biomass composition on the quantity and quality of the gaseous, liquid and solid produced components of biofuels,
  • research of the energy use of 2nd generation biofuels for combined heat and power production.




– Projekt 7 RP (609531): “NoGAP -Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation” (Komunita podporujúca prenos poznatkov s cieľom užšie prepojiť výskum, inovácie a obchodnú sféru)

Nórsky finančný mechanizmus (GIIP001): Centre for the Research of Biomass Potential

Projekt GA SPU č. 11-GA SPU-17: Verifikácia možností využívania rýchlorastúcich drevín na výrobu biopalív (Ing. T. Giertl, PhD.)



Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):

1. ADM Technology for low-temperature thermochemical conversion of biomass / Ján Gaduš, Tomáš Giertl. — ilustr., tab. – Building Research Centre AgroBioTech, ITMS 26220220180. In: MM science journal. — vol. 9, no. 6 (2016), s. 1545-1548. ISSN 1803-1269.