Laboratory of animal origin food





Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory



  • Testing of long-term fermentation conditions (different temperature and humidity during aging process) of fermented meat products,
  • testing of production of fermented meat products with the addition of probiotic cultures, starter culture and stevia, and their influence on textural and sensory characteristics,
  • testing of the proposed production process for cheese enriched with chili peppers and dill on the composition, textural and sensory characteristics,
  • research of the influence of buckweat honey added to yogurts at various stages of production on the textural, microbiological and sensory characteristics of products,
  • analysis of hydroxymethylfurfural in honey,
  • testing the addition of milk proteins (casein, whey protein) to the textural properties of yogurts,
  • monitoring of the textural properties of kefir produced with different cultures and fermentation conditions (temperature and time),
  • determination of changes in the texture of steamed cheeses during their shelf-life.




05-GA SPU-17 Testovanie výroby a skladovania peľovej konzervy.
Principal investigator: Ing. Vladimíra Kňazovická, PhD.

APVV-16-0244 Kvalitatívne faktory vplývajúce na výrobu a spotrebu mlieka a syrov
Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Ľudmila Nagyová, PhD.


Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):

1. AFD Vplyv repkového medu na prežívanie jogurtovej kultúry [elektronický zdroj] = Effect of rape honey on survival of yogurt culture / Margita Čanigová .. [et al.]. — ilustr., tab. — ITMS 26220220180. In: Bezpečnosť a kontrola potravín. — 1. vyd.. — 1 CD-ROM (300 s.). — 978-80-552-1649-2 Bezpečnosť a kontrola potravín. — Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2017. — s. 160-163, CD-ROM.

2. AFD Vplyv rôznych prídavkov agátového medu na texturálne vlastnosti jogurtu počas skladovania [elektronický zdroj] = Effect of various additions of acacia honey on textural properties of yogurt during its storage / Zuzana Remeňová .. [et al.]. — ilustr., tab. — ITMS 26220220180. In: Bezpečnosť a kontrola potravín. — 1. vyd.. — 1 CD-ROM (300 s.). — 978-80-552-1649-2 Bezpečnosť a kontrola potravín. — Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2017. — s. 180-183, CD-ROM.