Laboratory of spectroscopic analysis
Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory
- Verification of methodological procedures for analyses aimed at determining: concentrations of pituitary peptide hormones (FSH, LH, prolactin), sex steroid hormones (testosterone, progesterone, androstendione, 17-beta-estradiol) and their precursors (DHEA-S), growth factor concentrations (IGF, TGF alpha, TGF beta) and their receptors, hepatic enzyme activities (AST, ALT, GGT, ALP), basic biochemical parameters of blood, urine and seminal plasma, redox status parameters (catalase, reduced glutathione, protein carbonyls) after exposure biologically active substances,
- determination of the bitterness in selected beer, wort and wort types in different technological processes,
- determination of redox status parameters,
- determination of protein carbonyl,
- analyses of the influence of food with added value on basic metabolic parameters.
– VEGA 1/0039/16 Determinácia účinkov prírodných bioregulátorov na reprodukčné funkcie živočíchov
Principal investigator: doc. Ing. Adriana Kolesárová, PhD.
– KEGA 011SPU-4/2016 Identifikácia kvality vzdelávania v oblasti Reprodukčnej biológie a toxikológie
Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Adriana Kolesárová, PhD.
– APVV-16/0289 Aspekty cytoprotektivity a cytotoxicity bioaktívnych látok v rôznych podmienkach
Principal investigator: prof. MVDr. Peter Massányi, DrSc.
– APVV-15-0544 Syntetická biológia – moderná stratégia zlepšovania kvality živočíšnych spermií
Principal investigator: Ing. Eva Tvrdá, PhD.
– APVV 15-0543 Analýza modulačných účinkov biologicky aktívnych zlúčenín na fyziologické a patologické oxidatívne procesy v bunkových modeloch
Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Norbert Lukáč, PhD.
– APVV-0304-12 Determinácia účinkov a celulárnych mechanizmov biologicky aktívnych látok
Principal investigator: doc. Ing. Adriana Kolesárová, PhD.
– VEGA 1/0160/18 Analýza králičích kmeňových buniek ako potenciálny zdroj génovej rezervy.
Principal investigator: Ing. Vladimír Vašíček, PhD.
– VEGA 1/0163/18 Determinácia pleiotropného účinku endokrinných disruptorov a biologicky aktívnych látok v celulárnom modelovom systéme in vitro.
Principal investigator: Ing. Zuzana Kňažická, PhD.
Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):
1. ABC Ferrous ascorbate – a promising oxidative stress promoter in reproductive toxicology / Eva Tvrdá .. [et al.]. — ilustr., tab. — ITMS 26220220180, VEGA 1/085/14, APVV-15-0544. In: Environmental influence on the food quality and human health. — 1st ed.. — 235 s.. — 978-83-7996-409-3 (brož). — Rzeszów : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017. — s. 210-229 [1,1] AH.
2. ADC Curcumin has protective and antioxidant properties on bull spermatozoa subjected to induced oxidative stress / Eva Tvrdá .. [et al.]. — grafy, tab.– projekt AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180, VEGA, no. 1/0857/14. In: Animalreproduction science. — ISSN 0378-4320. — vol. 172 (September 2016), s. 10-20.
3. ADC Seasonal variations in the blood concentration of selected heavy metals in sheep and their effects on the biochemical and hematological parameters [elektronický zdroj] / Anton Kováčik .. [et al.]. — ilustr., tab. — Popis urobený 11.11.2016. – This work was supported by Research Center AgroBioTech built in accordance with the project Building Research Center „AgroBioTech” ITMS 26220220180; and projects VEGA1/0857/14, 1/0760/15, 1/0039/16, APVV-0304-12, APVV-15-0543 and KEGA006/SPU-4/2015. We also want to thank to the staff of the sheep farm in Poráč for their help in collecting the material. In: Chemosphere. — ISSN 0045-6535. — vol. 168, February (2017), s. 365-371, online. — 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.10.090.
4. ADC The effect of HT-2 toxin on ovarian steroidogenesis and its response toIGF-I, leptin and ghrelin in rabbits / A. Kolesárová .. [et el.]. — ilustr. –VEGA 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, APVV-15-0543,SK-FR-2015-0009, AgroBioTech 26220220180, BMBS COST Action BM1308 Sharing advances on large animal models (SALAAM). In: Physiological research. — ISSN 0862-8408. — vol. 66, no. 4 (2017), s. 705-708.
5. ADD Antioxidant status of rabbits after treatment with epicatechin and patulin / Katarína Zbyňovská .. [et al.]. — grafy, tab. — Projekty VEGA 1/0760/15, AgroBioTech no. 26220220180. In: Biologia. — ISSN 0006-3088. — vol. 71, no. 7 (2016), s. 835-842.
6. ADD The evaluation of endocrine regulators after intramuscular and oral application of cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin in rabbits / Marek Halenár .. [et al.]. — ilustr., tab. — 1/0039/16, 011SPU-4/2016 KEGA, APVV-0304-12, AgroBioTech 26220220180. In: Biologia. — ISSN 0006-3088. — vol. 72, no. 4 (2017), s. 468-474.
7. ADE Human urine alterations caused by apricot seeds consumption [elektronický zdroj] / Eva Tušimová .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky(stav zo dňa 21.6.2017). — no. 1/0039/16, 011SPU-4/2016 KEGA, APVV-0304-12,no. 26220220180 AgroBioTech. In: Advanced Research in Life Sciences. — ISSN 2543-8050. — vol 1, no. 1 (2017), s. 68-74, online. — 10.1515/arls-2017-0012.
8. ADE In vitro effects of Salvia officinalis on bovine spermatozoa [elektronický zdroj] / Eva Tvrdá .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 23.02.2017). — AgroBioTech 26220220180, VEGA 1/0039/16, APVV-15-0544. In:International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering. — ISSN 1307-6892. — vol. 11, no. 2 (2017), s.54-60, online.
9. ADE In vitro effects of selected trichothecenes on the rabbit spermatozoa motility behavior – a comparative study [elektronický zdroj] Eva Tvrdá .. [et al.]. — tab. –Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 07.02.2017). — AgroBioTech ITMS26220220180, APVV-0304-12, APVV-15-0544. In: Contemporary agriculture. — ISSN2466-4774. — vol. 65, no. 3-4 (2016), s. 21-26, online. –10.1515/contagri-2016-0013.
10. ADE Possible stimulatory effect of quercetin on secretion of selected pituitary hormones / Eva Tušimová .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — 1/0039/16,011SPU-4/2016 KEGA, APVV-0304-12, 26220220180 AgroBioTech. In: Scientific Papers: Animal Science and Biotechnologies — ISSN 1841-9364. — vol. 50, no. 1 (2017), s. 135-139.
11. ADF Energetic profile of rabbits after amygdalin administration [elektronický zdroj] / Eva Tušimová .. [et al.]. –grafy, tab. — Popis urobený 11.2.2016. — Projekt 1/0022/13, APVV-0304-12 a č.26220220180. In: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. –ISSN 1338-5178. — vol. 5, special iss. 1 (2016), s. 50-52, online. –10.15414/jmbfs.2016.5.special1.50-52.
12. ADF In vitro effects of the chlamydomonas reinhardtii extract on bovine spermatozoa [elektronický zdroj] / Eva Tvrdá .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 13.12.2016). — 26220220180, APVV-15-0544. In: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. — ISSN 1338-5178. — vol. 6,no. 3 (2016), s. 972-975, online. — 10.15414/jmbfs.2016/
13. ADF Influence of gentamicin on the specific cell culture (BHK-21) in vitro [elektronický zdroj] Anton Kováčik .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 13.12.2016). — 1/0039/16, 006/SPU-4/2015, APVV-0304-12,APVV-15-0543, 26220220180. In: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and FoodSciences. — ISSN 1338-5178. — vol. 6, no. 3 (2016), s. 983-986, online. — 10.15414/jmbfs.2016/
14. ADM Antioxidant efficiency of lycopene on oxidative stress – induced damage in bovine spermatozoa [elektronický zdroj] / Eva Tvrdá .. [et al.]. — Popis urobený 30.9.2016. – This work was supported by the Research Center AgroBioTech built in accordance with the project Building Research Centre “AgroBioTech” ITMS 26220220180, by the VEGA Project of the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and of the Slovak Academy of Sciences no. 1/0857/14 and by the Slovak Research and Development Agency Grant no. APVV-0304-12.In: Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. — ISSN 1674-9782. — vol. 7, no. 50 (2016), [13 s.], online. –10.1186/s40104-016-0113-9.
15. ADM Blood plasma levels of anterior pituitary hormones of rabbits after apricot seed exposure in vivo [elektronický zdroj] = Adenohypofyzárne hormóny krvnej plazmy králikov po expozícii marhuľových semien in vivo. Katarína Michalcová .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 06.02.2017). — VEGA 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, Building Research Centre “AgroBioTech” 26220220180. In: Journal of Central European Agriculture. — ISSN 1332-9049. — vol. 17, no. 4 (2016), s.1241-1252, online. — 10.5513/JCEA01/17.4.1838.
16. ADM In vitro supplementation of lycopene to bovine spermatozoa: effects on motility, viability and superoxide production / Eva Tvrdá..[et al.]. — ilustr. –26220220180: “AgroBioTech”, VEGA č. 1/0857/14. In: Animal science papers and reports. — ISSN 0860-4037. — vol. 34, no. 4 (2016), s. 319-328.
17. ADN Does apricot seeds consumption cause changes in human urine? [elektronický zdroj] / Eva Tušimová .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 17.05.2017). — Projekt č. 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV 0304-12 a č. 26220220180. In: Potravinárstvo. — ISSN 1337-0960. — vol. 11, no. 1 (2017), s. 244-251, online. — 10.5219/755.
18. ADN Oral and intramuscular application of cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin did not induce changes in haematological profile of male rabbits [elektronický zdroj] / Katarína Zbyňovská .. [et al.]. — tab. — Popis urobený 1.6.2017. — projekt č. 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304/16, APVV-15-0543, ITMS 26220220180. — Poster uverejnený v zborníku Book of abstracts and posters of the 12th international scientific conference Biotechnology and quality of raw materials and foodstuffs, May 16-18 2017. In: Potravinárstvo. — ISSN 1337-0960. — vol. 11, no. 1 (2017), s. 315-321, online. — 10.5219/756.
19. ADN The in vitro effect of elder berry (Sambucus nigra) extrakt on the activity and oxidative profile of bovine spermatozoa [elektronický zdroj] / Abzal Abdramanov .. [et al.]. — ilustr., tab. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 22.06.2017). — APVV-15-0544, AgroBioTech. — Poster je uverejnený v zborníku Book of abstracts and posters of the 12th international scientific conference Biotechnology and quality of raw materials and foodstuffs, May 16-18 2017. In: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. ISSN 1338-5178. vol. 6, no. 6 (2017), s. 1319-1322, online. –10.15414/jmbfs.2017.6.6.1319-1322.
20. AFC Effect of tylosin on turkey spermatozoa motility [elektronický zdroj] /Tomáš Slanina, Mária Brandysová, Peter Massanyi. — grafy, ilustr., tab. –Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 11.11.2016). — VEGA 1/0760/15,1/0857/14, APVV-0304-12, KEGA 006/SPU-4/2015, AgoBioTech 26220220180. In: Animal physiology 2016. — 1st ed.. — online (326 s.). — 978-80-7509-416-2Animal physiology. — Brno : Mendel University in Brno, 2016. — s. 221-229,online.
21. AFC Hepatic profile of female rabbits after amygdalin administration[elektronický zdroj] / Eva Tušimová .. [et al.]. — grafy, tab. — projekty VEGA 1/0039/16, APVV-0304-12, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, AgroBioTech no. 26220220180..– Názov z web stránky (stav zo dňa 30.09.2016). In: Animal physiology 2016. –1st ed.. — online (326 s.). — 978-80-7509-416-2 Animal physiology. — Brno :Mendel University in Brno, 2016. — s. 253-259, online.
22. AFC Influence of apricot seeds components on the blood plasma levels of steroid hormones in female rabbits in vivo [elektronický zdroj] /Katarína Michalcová .. [et al.]. — grafy. — Projekty no. 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, AgroBioTech no. 26220220180.. — Názov z web stránky (stav zo dňa 30.09.2016). In: Animal physiology 2016. — 1st ed.. — online (326 s.). — 978-80-7509-416-2 Animal physiology. — Brno : Mendel University in Brno, 2016. — s. 183-190, online
23. AFC Intracellular markers of proliferation in porcine ovarian granulosa cells after amygdalin treatment in vitro [elektronický zdroj] / Marek Halenár, Katarína Michalcová, Adriana Kolesárová. — grafy. — Projekty no. 1/0022/13, APVV-0304-12, AgroBioTech 26220220180.. — Názov z web stránky (stav zo dňa 30.09.2016). In: Animal physiology 2016. — 1st ed.. — online (326 s.). — 978-80-7509-416-2 Animal physiology. — Brno : Mendel University in Brno, 2016. — s. 62-69, online.
24. AFC Negative effect of patulin on rabbit blood and its modulation by epicatechin [elektronický zdroj] / Katarína Zbyňovská .. [et al.]. — Projekty VEGA 1/0760/15, AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180.. — Názov z web stránky (stav zo dňa 30.09.2016).In: Animal physiology 2016. — 1st ed.. — online (326 s.). — 978-80-7509-416-2 Animal physiology. — Brno : Mendel University in Brno, 2016. — s. 308-316, online.
25. AFC The impact of amygdalin on the oxidative profile of rabbit testicular tissue [elektronický zdroj] / Michal Duračka ..[et al.]. — ilustr. — VEGA 1/0857/14, APPV-0304-12, “AgroBioTech” ITMS 26220220180. In:MendelNet 2016. — 1st ed.. — 1 CD-ROM (1048 s.). — 978-80-7509-443-8 MendelNet. — Brno : Mendelova univerzita, 2016. — s. 770-775, CD-ROM.
26. AFD Antioxidant effects of schizandra and bilberry on male gametes = Antioxidačné účinky extraktov schizandry a čučoriedky na samčie gaméty / Michal Ďuračka .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180, APVV-15-0544. In: Dendrologické dni v Arboréte Mlyňany SAV 2016. — 1. vyd.. — 255 s.. — 978-80-89408-26-9 (brož.) Dendrologické dni. — Vieska nad Žitavou : Arborétum Mlyňany SAV, 2016. — s. 41-46.
27. AFD Plant extracts: alternative in vitro supplements to preserve male fertility = Rastlinné extrakty: alternatívne in vitro suplementy pre rezerváciu samčej fertility / Eva Tvrdá .. [et al.]. — grafy, ilustr., tab. — ITMS 26220220180, VEGA 1/0857/14, APVV-15-0544. In: Dendrologické dni v Arboréte Mlyňany SAV 2016. — 1. vyd.. — 255 s.. –978-80-89408-26-9 (brož.) Dendrologické dni. — Vieska nad Žitavou : Arborétum Mlyňany SAV, 2016. — s. 229-238.
28. AFG Anterior pituitary hormones of male rabbits after apricot seed administration in vivo [elektronický zdroj] / Katarína Michalcová .. [et al.]. – This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic projects no. 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, Slovak Research and Development Agency, APVV-0304-12, and European Community under project no 26220220180: Building Research Centre „AgroBioTech”.. — Názov z web stránky (stav zo dňa 28.10.2016).In: Risk factors of food chain. — 1st ed.. — online (86 s.). — 978-83-7996-327-0 Risk factors of food chain. — Rzeszów : University of Rzeszów, 2016. — s. 53, online.
29. AFG Apricot seeds – controversy in the health community / Adriana Kolesárová ..[et al.]. — VEGA 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, APVV SK-FR-2015-0009, projekt č. 26210220180 “AgroBioTech”. In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on the Quality and safety in food production chain, Wroclaw, 23-24 June 2016. — 1st. ed.. — 130 s.. –978-83-7717-240-7 (brož.) Quality and Safety in Food Production Chain. — Wroclaw: Uniwersytet Przyrodniczywe Wrocławiu, 2016. — s. 39.
30. AFG Energetic profile of male rabbits after apricot seeds consumption[elektronický zdroj] / Tušimová, Eva. .. [et al.]. — Ministry of education, science, research and sport of the Slovak republic no. 1/0039/16, 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, Agrobiotech 26220220180. In: Risk factors of food chain. — 1st ed.. — 1 USB kľúč (56 s.). — 978-83-8084-082-9 Risk factors of food chain. — Krakov : Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP, 2017. — s. 49, USB kľúč.
31. AFG Influence of apricot kernels on blood plasma levels of selected steroid hormnes in female rabbits in vivo / [elektronický zdroj] Michalcová Katarína .. [et al.]. — 1/0039/16, APVV-0304-12, BM 1308, 26220220180 AgroBioTech. In: 1st meeting of young researchers from V4 countries. — 1st ed.. — online [96 s.] Meeting of young researchers from V4 countries. — Rzeszów : University of Rzeszow, 2016. — s. 61.
32. AFG Lead and cadmium concentrations in sheep (ovaries) blood samples from polluted area and their ecotoxicological interactions with hepatic profile [elektronický zdroj] / Tirpák F. .. [et al.]. — VEGA 1/0760/15, VEGA 1/0857/14, APVV-16-0289, APVV-15-0544, KEGA 006/SPU-4/2015, ITMS 26220220180.In: Risk factors of foodchain. — 1st ed.. — 1 USB kľúč (56 s.). — 978-83-8084-082-9 Risk factors of foodchain. — Krakov : Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP, 2017. — s. 48
33. AFG Mineral profile of rabbits blood did not change after amygdalin administration [elektronický zdroj] / Tušimová, Eva .. [et al.]. — 1/0039/16, APVV-0304-12, 26220220180 AgroBioTech. In: 1st meeting of young researchers from V4 countries. — 1st ed.. — online [96 s.] Meeting of young researchers from V4 countries. — Rzeszów : University of Rzeszow, 2016. — s. 88.
34. AFG Mycotoxin-induced alterations in steroid secretion by porcine ovarian cells [elektronický zdroj] / Halenár M. .. [et al.]. — VEGA 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, 15-0543, 15-0544, SK-FR-2015-0009, AgroBioTech 26220220180. In: Risk factors of food chain. — 1st ed.. — 1 USB kľúč (56 s.). — 978-83-8084-082-9 Risk factors of food chain. — Krakov : Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP, 2017. — s. 23,
35. AFG Short-term effect of T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin on ovarian functions of pigs in vitro / Adriana Kolesárová ..[et al.]. — VEGA1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, APVV SK-FR-2015-0009, “AgroBioTech” projekt č. 26220220180. In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on the Quality and safety in food production chain. –1st. ed.. — 130 s.. — 978-83-7717-240-7 (brož.) Quality and Safety in Food Production Chain. — Wroclaw : Uniwersytet Przyrodniczywe Wrocławiu, 2016. –s. 38.
36. AFH Anterior pituitary hormones of female rabbits after apricot seed administration in vivo / K. Michalcová ..[et al.]. — VEGA 1/0039/16, KEGA 011 SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, AgroBioTech 26220220180. In: Slovak journal of animal science. — ISSN 1337-9984. — vol. 49, no. 4 (2016), s. 170.
37. AFH Blood concentration of selected metals in horses and relation to hematological and biochemical parameters / Peter Massányi .. [et al.]. — VEGA 1/0760/15, VEGA 1/0857/14, APVV-16-0289, APVV-15-0544, KEGA 006/SPU-4/2015, “AgroBioTech” ITMS 26220220180. In: Animal physiology 2017. — 1st ed.. — 89 s.. — 978-80-971428-4-1 (brož.) Animal physiology. — Košice : SAV Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat, 2017. — s. 22.
38. AFH Correlations between motility parameters and biochemical parameters of stallion spermatozoa / Marko Halo .. [et al.]. — APVV-16-0289, APVV-0304-12, APVV-15-0544, VEGA 1/0857/14, VEGA 1/0760/15, VEGA 1/0039/16, KEGA 006SPU-4/2015, no. 26220220180 AgroBioTech. In: Animal physiology 2017. — 1st ed.. — 89 s.. –978-80-971428-4-1 (brož.) Animal physiology. — Košice : SAV Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat, 2017. — s. 76.
39. AFH Effect of microelements and macroelements in stallion seminal plasma on oxidative balance / Marko Halo .. [et al.]. — VEGA 1/0760/15, VEGA 1/0857/14, APVV 16-0289, APVV15-0544, KEGA 006/SPU-4/2015, ITMS 26220220180. In: Scientific conference of PhD. students of FAFR and FBFS with international participation. — 1. vyd.. — 61 s.. — 978-80-552-1734-5 (brož.) Scientific conference of PhD. students of FAFR and FBFS. — Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture, 2017. — s. 27.
40. AFH Effect of natural flavonol-isoquercitrin on human ovarian cancer cells in vitro / Katarína Michalcová .. [et al.]. — 1/0039/16, 011SPU-4/2016 KEGA, APVV-0304-12, EU project no. 26220220180 AgroBioTech. In: Animal physiology 2017. — 1st ed.. — 89 s.. — 978-80-971428-4-1 (brož.) Animal physiology. –Košice : SAV Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat, 2017. — s. 57.
41. AFH Effect of shorttime apricot seed consumption on cytokines production in human / Eva Tušimová .. [et al.]. — Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic 1/0039/16, 011SPU-4/2016 KEGA, APVV-0304-12, 26220220180: Building Research Centre “AgroBioTech”. In: Animal physiology 2017. — 1st ed.. — 89 s.. — 978-80-971428-4-1 (brož.) Animal physiology. — Košice : SAV Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat, 2017. — s.78.
42. AFH Impact of punicalagin on porcine ovarian granulosa cells in vitro / Dagmara Packová, Adriana Kolesárová. — VEGA 1/0039/16, KEGA 011SPU-4/2016, APVV-0304-12, projekt č. 26220220180 “AgroBioTech”. In: Slovak journal of animal science. — ISSN 1337-9984. — vol. 49, no. 4 (2016), s. 167.