Laboratory of Special Seed Production Techniques
Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory
- Field research and seed concentration from the original stocks of Melilotus alba (two populations), Lathyrus tuberosum (one population), Rumex spp. (two subpopulations), during the year 2017 harvesting activities were carried out in order to concentrate new samples of the genofond
- the seed material of two populations of Melilotus albus is ready for field performance tests in 2018 and 15 subpopulations are prepared in the form of selected stem mothers (vegetative parts of plants) for further evaluation in 2018,
- differences in the morphological features of the key plants were assessed using the LA 2000 and WinRhizo scanners, the evaluation of the production of phytomass in the dry matter of selected stem mothers and the dry matter content of plant parts (leaves and stalks) was realized,
- in the case of Rumex, three populations of two species were reproduced and the experimental material will be evaluated for production characteristics – the production of phytomass and the dynamics of its formation during vegetation.
- scanning the roots of summer oak grown in four variants of fertilization (different forms of modified alginite) in sand culture within the framework of the project “Application of alginite and its products in agriculture”, which is solved in the form of contractual research.
– KEGA 003SPU-4/2017 Vývoj a implementácia štandardov pre rozvoj a správu zelene v sídlach
Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Viera Paganová, PhD.
– Národný program ochrany GZ – úloha odbornej pomoci MPaRV SR (pre rok 2017 bez finančnej dotácie). Projekt „Aplikácie využitia alginitu a jeho produktov v poľnohospodárstve“
Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):
1. ADC Characterization of phenotypic and nutritional properties of valuable Amaranthus cruentus L. mutants / Andrea Hricová..[et al.]. — ilustr. — VEGA (project no. 2/0066/13), project no. 02/0041/16, project no. 26220220180. In: Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry. — ISSN 1300-011X. — vol. 40, no. 5 (2016), s. 761-771.
Group B (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):
1. BDF Hodnotenie hospodársky významných znakov plodov a kvality spracovaných výrobkov mišpule obyčajnej (Mespilus germanica L.) = Assessment of important economic characters of medlar ruits (Mespilus germanica L.) and the quality processed products / Marián Miko .. [et al.]. — AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180. In: Genofond. — ISSN 1335-5848. — č. 20 (2016), s. 14-15.