Laboratory of Production Physiology and Plant Ecophysiology
Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory
- Testing the new methods of optical scanning of surface and internal structures of whole plants / crops within the phenotypic platform at SUA in Nitra,
- testing the e-infrastructure of the phenotypic platform (reliability and accuracy of storing and declassifying measurement data),
- experimental activity in testing of genetic resources of strategic and non-traditional crops or crops of interest for features and properties suitables for climate change conditions (long-term drought, salinity, high temperature), production of relevant results from data and metadata analyzes,
- developing international cooperation in the field of automated phenotyping within Horizon 2020 (EPPN2020) running project, focusing on:
- fine-tuning the phenotypic methodology,
- networking of phenotypic platforms in Europe,
- complementing professional capacities in phenotyping and related disciplines,
- preparatory activities for launching data and meta-data management and from phenotypic analyzes, creation of e-environment for the preservation and accessibility of data and meta-data for the persons interested in phenotypic results,
- making phenotypic platforms accessible through training for academics and industry stakeholders in Europe and the world; cooperation on the introduction of measurement standards of parameters and protocols for all partners in EPPN2020 to unify and harmonize procedures for phenotyping plant features and accelerate screening of genotypes for improved properties for climate change,
- dissemination of results and promotion of Agrobiotech Research Centre by publishing in foreign indexed and impacted publications, receiving foreign visitors as well as by participating actively in scientific and professional events at home and abroad.
– European Plant Phenotyping Network 2020 (EPPN2020) – projekt Horizon2020 Framework Programme; Výzva vrámci programu: H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017 (H2020-INFRAIA-2016-1); číslo projektu 731013
Koordinátor za projekt: prof. F. Tardieu; INRA France; koordinátor za partnera SPU v Nitre: prof. Ing. Marián Brestič, CSc.
Realisation period: May 2017 – April 2021
– VEGA-1/0923/16 Inovatívne prístupy zlepšenia fotosyntetickej výkonnosti strategických plodín v meniacich sa podmienkach prostredia
Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Marián Brestič, CSc.
Realisation period: January 2016 – December 2018
– VEGA-1/0831/17 Moderné nástroje pre hodnotenie produkčných vlastností a tolerancie genetických zdrojov plodín na environmentálne stresy
Principal investigator: doc. Ing. Marek Živčák, PhD.
Realisation period: January 2016 – December 2018
Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):
1. ADC Mechanisms of inhibitory effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in photosynthetic primary processes in pea leaves and thylakoid preparations / Vladimir D Kreslavski .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — 16-05-00617a, 17-04-01289a – Russian Foundation for Basic Research, VEGA-1-0923-16, DST/RFBR/P-173, Agrobiotech. In: Plant Biology. — ISSN 1435-8603. — vol. 19, iss. 5 (2017), s. 683-688.
2. ADM The effect of growth conditions on flavonols and anthocyanins accumulation in green and red lettuce [elektronický zdroj] = Vplyv podmienok pestovania na akumuláciu flavonolov a antokyánov v zelenom a červenom šaláte Klaudia Brücková ..[et al.]. — tab. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 31.01.2017). — Construction of the “AgroBioTech” Research Centre no. 26220220180, VEGA 1/0923/16, APVV-15-0721. In: Journal of Central European Agriculture. — ISSN 1332-9049. — vol. 17, no. 1 (2016), s. 986-997, online. — 10.5513/JCEA01/17.4.1802.
3. AFK PSI and PSII electron transport in leaves of various isogenic chlorina wheat mutant lines in relation to photoprotection and photosynthetic capacity / Marián Brestič .. [et al.]. — VEGA-1-0923-16, VEGA-1-0831-17, APVV-15-0721, EC Projekt no. 26220220180. In: Photosynthesis and hydrogen energy research for sustainability. — 1st ed.. — 247 s.. — 978-93-5288-261-8 (brož.) C. — Hyderabad : University of Hyderabad, 2017. — s. 146.
Group B (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):
1. BFA Leaves color and morphometric analysis of plants in response to stress: the high-throughtput phenotyping approach [elektronický zdroj] / Marek Kovár..[et al.]. — Financované EÚ v rámci projektu No. 26220220180 : Building Research Centre, AgroBioTech. In: COST Action FA1306. — online (120 s.) COST Action FA1306. — Aarhus : University of Aarhus, 2016. — s. 50, online.
2. BFA The application of multiplex fluorimetric sensor for the analysis of flavonoids content in the medicinal herbs family Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae [elektronický zdroj] / Oksana Sytar .. [et al.]. — Project no. 26220220180. Construction of the AgroBioTech Research Centre. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 26.05.2016). In: COST FA1306. — 1st ed.. — online (101 s.) COST FA1306. — Gatersleben : Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, 2015. — s. 54, online.