Laboratory of Neuroeconomy and Consumer Decision-Making
- IT and presentation equipment
Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory
- Realization of basic and applied interdisciplinary research in the field of consumer choice, decision-making and final behavior, where, compared to classical economic theories, the neuro-economic approach brings a fundamentally new look at the complex consumer decision-making mechanism resulting from the interference of multiple variables,
- research tasks solved in the laboratory are focused on: the study of rational and emotional aspects of the consumer decision-making process, detection of brain correlates during consumer decision-making, investigation of somatic and autonomic physiological responses of consumers due to economic stimuli, investigation of neurological reactions of consumers due to economic stimuli, recognition and classification of emotional responses, implicit associations, and consumer memory activation.
– KEGA 038SPU-4/2016 Implementácia nových technológií a interdisciplinárnych vzťahov v praktickej výučbe spotrebiteľských štúdií
Principal investigator: prof. Dr. Ing. Elena Horská
Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):
1. ADE Neuroeconomics: an innovative view on consumer´s decision process [elektronický zdroj] / Jakub Berčík, Johana Paluchová, Elena Horská. — graf, ilustr., tab. — Popis urobený 14.10.2016. — VEGA 1/0874/14, KEGA 038SPU-4/2016, projectErasmusnr. 2014-1-SK01-KA203-000464, project no. 26220220180. In: Journal of Business Management & Economics. — ISSN 2347-5471. — vol. 4, no. 8 (2016), s. 22-28, online.
2. AFD Trends in utilization of selected technologies in grocery stores [elektronický zdroj] / Ľudmila Nagyová, Jakub Berčík, Elena Horská. — grafy. — Abstrakt článku vyšiel v zborníku abstraktov s ISBN 978-80-552-1500-6 na s. 131. – This paper is the result of primary and secondary research with in the national project VEGA1/0874/14 “The use of neuromarketing in visual merchandising” and international educational project “Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships –Food quality and consumer studies” Nr. 2014-1-SK01-KA203-000464. Supported by Research Center AgroBioTech built in accordance with the project Building Research Centre „AgroBioTech” ITMS 26220220180.. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 19.8.2016).In: Theagri- food value chain: challenges for natural resources management and society. — 1st ed.. — online (1108 s.). — 978-80-552-1503-7 Medzinárodné vedecké dni. — Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture, 2016. — s. 866-873, online. — 10.15414/isd2016.s11.02.
3. AFD Consumers neuroscience as a modern consume rresearch tool: ethical aspects and size of the research sample [elektronický zdroj] / Jakub Berčík. — ilustr., tab. — VEGA 1/0874/14, KEGA 038SPU-4/2016, ITMS 26220220180. In: Marketing management, trade, financial and social aspects of business. — 1st ed.. — 1 CD-ROM (293 s.). — 978-80-225-4293-7 Marketing management, trade, financial and socialaspects of business. — Bratislava : University of Economics, 2016. — [5] s., CD-ROM.