Laboratory of Modelling of Urban Environment and Landscape





Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory



  • Research in the field of the root system growth of woody plants under conditions of water scarcity, analysis of the root architecture and parameters of the root system mass of the woods, identification of the interspecific differences at the level of the underground organs of the woods,
  • research of the impact of salinisation on woody plants in the juvenile growth phase, the influence of dehydration on photosynthesis of native and foreign woody species,
  • the impact of growth regulators on plant germination and regeneration under in vitro conditions, methods and progressive digital-graphical technologies in assessing the visual and spatial features of urbanized and landscape structures,
  • analysis of digital landscape model components, use of spatial computer graphics for monitoring and investigation of time-shape changes of landscape model components.




KEGA 003SPU-4/2017 Vývoj a implementácia štandardov pre rozvoj a správu zelene v sídlach
Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Viera Paganová, PhD.

KEGA 035SPU-4/2016 Interaktívna experimentálna záhrada
Principal investigator: Ing. Šajbidorová Viera, PhD.

VEGA č. 1/0044/17 Vegetačné štruktúry v mestských sídlach a ich integrované hodnotenie pre potreby ekosystémových služieb
Principal investigator: prof. J. Supuka, co-investigator: doc. Ľ. Moravčík


Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):

1. AFC Plasticita koreňov juvenilných drevín v podmienkach sucha = Plasticity of root system of the juvenile woody plants under conditions of drought / Viera Paganová, Zuzana Jureková. — ilustr., tab. — “AgrobioTech” ITMS 26220220180, KEGA 003SPU-4/2017. In: Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin 2017. — 1. vyd.. — 243 s.. — 978-80-213-2767-2 (brož.). — Praha : Česká zemědělská univerzita, 2017. — s. 12-18.

2. AFD Medzidruhové rozdiely v raste koreňov drevín v podmienkach sucha = Interspecific differences in root growth of trees under impact of drought / Viera Paganová .. [et al.]. — grafy, ilustr., tab. — AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180, VEGA 1/0246/13. In: Dendrologické dni v Arboréte Mlyňany SAV 2016. — 1. vyd.. — 255 s.. — 978-80-89408-26-9 (brož.) Dendrologické dni. — Vieska nad Žitavou : Arborétum Mlyňany SAV, 2016. — s. 194-200.

3. AFD Root system of trees in urban areas – main hazards and solutions [elektronický zdroj] / Viera Paganová. — ilustr. — Agrobiotech 26220220180. In: ISHC 2016. — 1st ed.. — online (170 s.). — 978-80-552-1571-6 ISHC. — Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture, 2016. — s. 98-104, online.