Laboratory of Cereal Technologies





Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory



  • Realization of research on the development of added-value foods designed directly for specific groups of consumers, for the expected nutritional effect,
  • research aimed at studying the rheological properties of paste and their relevance to the quality and economic aspects of the final production, optimizing the framework technological processes of bakery, pastry and pasta technologies in the development and production of added-value foods,
  • preparation of model samples of added value products in connection with SUA presentation activities, respectively ABT Research Centre activities,
  • optimization of the tomato drying process (used by the laboratory infrastructure),
  • preparation of dried flesh of musk pumpkin and underground bulbs of sweet potatoes to obtain gluten free flour substitutes.

During the evaluation period, activities related to the submission of an industrial property subject matter were carried out: Bakery products with special composition and design (P1) and durable pastry for special nutritional purposes (P2). The CVTI evaluation reports recommended to support the patent application. The subject of industrial property for Long pastry for special nutritional purposes was submitted, the preparation of a request for a Bakery product with a special composition and design is currently being prepared.




VEGA 1/0139/17 Nekonvenčné a minoritné plodiny využiteľné pre prípravu potravín nového typu dizajnovaných pre osobitné výživové účely
Principal investigator: prof. RNDr. Alena Vollmannová, PhD.

VEGA 1/0308/14 Detekcia chemoprotektívnych látok v tradičných i minoritných druhoch strukovín využiteľných pri príprave funkčných potravín
Principal investigator: prof. RNDr. Alena Vollmannová, PhD. (projekt ukončený)



Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):

1. ADC Rutin and quercetin transformation during preparation of buckwheat sourdough bread / Lea Lukšič..[et al.]. — ilustr. — This study was financed by the Slovenian Research Agency, through programmes P1-0143 “Biology of Plants” (P1-0212) and P3-0395 “Nutrition and Public Health”, and projects L4-7552 and J4-5524, supported by EUFORINNO 7th FP EU Infrastructure Programme (RegPot No. 315982). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community under project ITEM 26220220180: Building Research Centre “AgroBioTech”. In: Journal of cereal science. — ISSN 0733-5210. — vol. 69, May (2016), s. 71-76.

2. ADC Hydrothermal treatment of Tartary buckwheat grain hinders the transformation of rutin to quercetin / Lea Lukšič .. [et al.]. — tab. — This study was financed by the Slovenian Research Agency, through programmes P1-0143 “Biology of Plants” (P1-0212) and P3-0395 “Nutrition and Public Health”, and projects L4-7552 and J4-5524, supported by EUFORINNO 7th FP EU Infrastructure Programme (RegPot No. 315982). The research leading to these results has been funded by the European Community under project ITEM 26220220180: Building Research Centre “AgroBioTech”. Anton Rangus is acknowledged for preparing Tartary buckwheat samples. Prof. Roger Pain is acknowledged for editing English text. In: Journal of cereal science. — ISSN 0733-5210. — vol. 72 (2016), s. 131-134.

3. ADN Effect of the addition of hydrocolloids on the rheological and baking properties of the products with added spelt flour (Triticum spelta L.) [elektronický zdroj] / Tatiana Bojňanská, Jana Šmitalová, Alena Vollmannová. — ilustr. — Popis urobený 23.2.2016. – The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community under 26220220180 Building Research Centre „AgroBioTech” and project VEGA 1/0308/14. In: Potravinárstvo. — ISSN 1337-0960. — vol. 10, no. 1 (2016), s. 157-163, online. — 10.5219/555.

4. AFH Inovačný potenciál Výskumného centra AgroBioTech = Innovation potential of the AgroBioTech Research Centre / Tatiana Bojňanská .. [et al.]. In: Transfer technológií na Slovensku a v zahraničí 2016. — 1st ed.. — 68 s.. — 978-80-89354-71-9 (brož.] Transfer technológií na Slovensku a v zahraničí. — Bratislava : Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR, 2016. — s. 40-41.

5. AFH Možnosti využitia arabskej gumy pri výrobe pečiva [elektronický zdroj] / Jana Šmitalová, Igor Regász, Tatiana Bojňanská. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 18.11.2016). — AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180. In: Preveda. — 1. vyd.. — online [192 s.]. — 978-80-972360-0-7 Preveda. — Banská Bystrica : Občianske združenie Preveda, 2016. — 2 s., online.

6. AFH Aplikácia mrkvy obyčajnej (Daucus carota L.) a repy obyčajnej cviklovej (Beta vulgaris var. conditiva L.) v nízkotlakovej extrúznej technológii [elektronický zdroj] / Jana Šmitalová, Igor Regász, Tatiana Bojňanská. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 18.11.2016). — AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180. In: Preveda. — 1. vyd.. — online [192 s.]. — 978-80-972360-0-7 Preveda. — Banská Bystrica : Občianske združenie Preveda, 2016. — 2 s., online.

7. AFH Vplyv prídavku agaru na reologické vlastnosti pšeničnej múky a pekársku kvalitu výrobkov [elektronický zdroj] / Igor Regász, Jana Šmitalová, Tatiana Bojňanská. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 18.11.2016). — AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180. In: Preveda. — 1. vyd.. — online [192 s.]. — 978-80-972360-0-7 Preveda. — Banská Bystrica : Občianske združenie Preveda, 2016. — 1 s., online.