Laboratory of raw materials and foodstuffs physical properties
Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory
- In the field of thermic analysis of food and food ingredients – using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential compensatory calorimetry (DSC) the experiments were conducted to describe thermal degradation processes, phase change studies, determination of water content and ash content in samples of edible vegetable oils (olive, sunflower and rapeseed) and bread paste (classic and with additives),
- in the field of thermal analyzes of technical materials – experimental investigation and description of thermal behavior of technical materials of biological origin (biofuel and biolubricants) by DSC method, especially determination of solidification point and temperature stability,
- in the area of investigation of rheological properties of liquid, viscoelastic, thixotropic foodstuffs, food sources and technical liquids – densities, viscosity and fluidity measurements of samples of edible vegetable oils, selected samples of wine and milk, technical liquids (cooling and hydraulic fluids),
- in the field of the examination of the electrical properties of foodstuffs and food ingredients – measurements of electrical properties were carried out in relation to drying characteristics on samples of cereals, carrots and perga,
- research of postharvest processing of selected cereal species (food maize, food wheat, naked oat,malted barley,…),
- monitoring of external qualitative grain indicators from the point of view of harvesting and postharvest processing, focusing on the quality and safety of food produced from grains,
- research of the characteristics of postharvest residues resulting from the cultivation, harvesting and postharvesting grain process,
- evaluation of the crop and the subsequent eradication of wheat in laboratory conditions,
- investigation of the impact of postharvest grain processing and storage technology on the external and internal quality of maize; the object of the research was maize processed on a model catch line, including the identification of critical points on the catch line that most influence the quality of the processed product and the establishment of measures to reduce the impact of critical points for product quality.
– VEGA 1/0854/14 Fyzikálne vlastnosti bio-materiálov a aplikácia fyzikálnych metód pri hodnotení špecifických ukazovateľov kvality poľnohospodárskych materiálov
Principal investigator: doc. RNDr. Zuzana Hlaváčová, CSc. (projekt ukončený)
– VEGA 1/0786/14 Vplyv environmentálnych aspektov pôsobenia techniky na elimináciu degradačných procesov v agrotechnológiach pestovania poľných plodín-bol úspešne ukončený 31.12.2016,
Principal investigator: Prof Ing. Pavol Findura, PhD. (projekt ukončený)
Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):
1. ADM Basic thermal parameters of selected foods and food raw materials / Monika Božiková ..[et al.]. — ilustr. — VEGA 1/0854/14, projekt č. 26220220180 Building Research Centre „AgroBioTech“. In: Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. — ISSN 1211-8516. — vol. 65, no. 2 (2017), s. 391-400.
2. ADM Thermal properties of selected cheeses samples [elektronický zdroj] = Tepelné vlastnosti vybraných vzoriek syrov / Monika Božiková, Peter Hlaváč. — grafy, ilustr., tab. — Popis urobený 1.3.2016. – This work was co-finances by the European Union no. 26220220180 „Building Research Centre „AgroBioTech“ and by research project VEGA 1/0854/14 of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovakia. In: Journal of Central European Agriculture. — ISSN 1332-9049. — vol. 17, no. 1 (2016), s. 63-74, online. — 10.5513/JCEA01/17.1.1672.
3. ADM Influence of temperature and storing time on selected red wine physical properties / Peter Hlaváč .. [et al.]. — grafy, ilustr., tab. — VEGA 1/0854/14, project no. 26220220180. In: Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. — ISSN 1211-8516. — vol. 64, no. 2 (2016), s. 433-439.
4. ADM Evaluation of mechanical parameters of pellets / Ľubomír Kubík, František Adamovský, Viera Kažimírová. — ilustr. — AgroBioTech projekt č. 26220220180:, č. 1/085400/14. In: Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. — ISSN 1211-8516. — vol. 64, no. 5 (2016), s. 1593-1601.
5. ADN Relation between selected nutrients in the chicken meat depending on phytogenic feed additives [elektronický zdroj] / Mária Angelovičová .. [et al. Marek Angelovič]. — tab. — Popis urobený 12.5.2016. – The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community under project no. 26220220180: Building Research Centre „Agrobiotech“. In: Potravinárstvo. — ISSN 1337-0960. — vol. 10, no. 1 (2016), s. 215-222, online. — 10.5219/573.
6. AFC Dynamic viscosity and pour point of hydraulic oils / Vlasta Vozárová .. [et al.]. — grafy, ilustr. — Projekt č. 26220220180 Agrobiotech a VEGA č. 1/0854/15 a 1/0337/15.I n: 6th international conference on trends in agricultural engineering. — 1. vyd.. — 748 s.. — 978-80-213-2682-8 (brož.) International conference on trends in Agricultural engineering. — Praha : Czech University of Life Sciences, 2016. — s. 703-707.
7. AFC Temperature effect on milk selected physical properties / Peter Hlaváč, Monika Božiková. — grafy, tab. — Projekty VEGA 1/0854/14, AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180. In: Trends in agricultural engineering 2016. — 1st ed.. — 384 s.. — 978-80-213-2649-1 (brož.) Trends in agricultural engineering. — Praha : Czech University of Life Sciences, 2016. — s. 186-190.
8. AFC The thermal properties of selected bee products [elektronický zdroj] / Monika Božiková .. [et al.]. — ilustr., tab. — Projekty VEGA 1/0854/14, AgroBioTech 26220220180. — Abstrakt článku vyšiel v zborníku abstraktov na s. 14. In: BiosysFoodEng 2016. — 1st ed.. — 1 CD-ROM [340 s.]. — 978-963-269-598-3 Biosystems and Food Engineering. — Gödöllő : Szent István Egyetem, 2016. — [11] s., CD-ROM.
9. AFC Drying characteristics and electrical properties / Zuzana Hlaváčová, Tomáš Regrut, Martin Malínek. — grafy, tab. — Projekty VEGA 1/0854/14, AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180. In: Trends in agricultural engineering 2016. — 1st ed.. — 384 s.. — 978-80-213-2649-1 (brož.) Trends in agricultural engineering. — Praha : Czech University of Life Sciences, 2016. — s. 191-196.
10. AFC Analysis of the physico-chemical properties of the hydraulic fluids in order to modify change intervals [elektronický zdroj] / Michaela Jánošová .. [et al.]. — grafy, ilustr., tab. — ITMS 26220220180, VEGA 1/0854/14, 1/00337/15. In: MendelNet 2016. — 1st ed.. — 1 CD-ROM (1048 s.). — 978-80-7509-443-8 MendelNet. — Brno : Mendelova univerzita, 2016. — s. 858-863, CD-ROM.
11. AFD Mechanické parametre kvality jablkového pletiva = Mechanical parameters of Apple tissue quality / Ľubomír Kubík. — ilustr., tab. — Projekt č. 26220220180, č. 1/085400/14.In: Pestovateľské technológie a ich význam pre prax. — 1. vyd.. — 130 s.. — 978-80-89417-72-8 (brož.) Pestovateľské technológie a ich význam pre prax. — Piešťany : Národné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum, 2016. — s. 75-80.
12. AFD Monitorovanie vybraných pôdnych vlastností pôd pred pestovaním kukurice na osivo [elektronický zdroj] = Monitoring of chosen soil attributes before growing seed corn / Zsolt Szabo .. [et al.]. — ilustr., tab. — Názov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 18.9.2017). — ITMS 26220220180, ITMS 26220220014. In: Najnovšie trendy v poľnohospodárstve, v strojárstve a v odpadovom hospodárstve. — 1. vyd.. — 1 CD-ROM (269 s.). — 978-80-552-1665-2 Najnovšie trendy v poľnohospodárstve, v strojárstve a v odpadovom hospodárstve. — Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2017. — s. 237-245, CD-ROM.
13. AFG Effect of various factors on density of selected food liquid materials / Peter Hlaváč, Monika Božiková, Tomáš Regrut. — VEGA 1/0854/14, ITMS 26220220180. In: ICFP 2016. — 1st. ed.. — [75] s.. — 978-963-473-939-5 (brož.) International conference on food physicists. — Debrecen : University of Debrecen, 2016. — s. 30.
14. AFG Effect of various factors on selected fermented wort rheologic properties / Peter Hlaváč, Monika Božiková. — ITMS 26220220180. In: BioPhysSpring 2016. — 62 s.. — 978-83-89969-42-2 (brož.) International workshop for young scientists. — Praha : Czech University of Life Sciences, 2016. — s. 20-21.
15. AFG Electrical properties utilization at drying characteristics determination / Zuzana Hlaváčová .. [et al.]. — Projekt VEGA 1/0854/14, AgroBioTech no. 26220220180. In: Food physicists. — 1st ed.. — 52 s.. — 978-963-473-939-5 (brož.) Food physicists. — Debrecen : University of Debrecen, 2016. — s. 11.
16. AFG Compressive properties of pellets / Ľubomír Kubík. — grafy, tab. — projekty AgoBioTech no. 26220220180, no. 1/0854/14. In: BioPhysSpring 2016. — 62 s.. — 978-83-89969-42-2 (brož.) International workshop for young scientists. — Praha : Czech University of Life Sciences, 2016. — s. 32-33.
17. AFG Electrical properties of perga / Tomáš Regrut .. [et al.]. — graf, tab. — VEGA 1/0854/14 no. 26220220180. In: BioPhysSpring 2016. — 62 s.. — 978-83-89969-42-2 (brož.) International workshop for young scientists. — Praha : Czech University of Life Sciences, 2016. — s. 44-45.