Laboratory of Applied Ecology
Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory
- Research on the ecophysiological properties of genotypes and the production potential of fast growing energy herbs and woods used for energy purposes in the conditions of southwestern Slovakia,
- analysis of growth dynamics and production of fast-growing energy grass of Arundo donax L. in the second year after planting, assessment of dry matter in above ground and underground organs at the end of the vegetation period, evaluation of selected ecophysiological characteristics of plants leaves,
- analyses of growth dynamics and biomass production of fast growing energetic plants and wood species cultivated on degraded soils and soils not used for food production.
– GA FEŠRR č.2/2017 Hodnotenie plantáže rýchlorastúcich drevín vo vzťahu k zásobovacej ekosystémovej službe a zmene biodiverzity spontánnej vegetácie.
Principal investigator: Ing. Martin Prčík, PhD.
– GA FEŠRR č. 3/2017 Verifikácia environmentálnych a socioekonomických podmienok využitia fytoenergetiky v regiónoch na Slovensku.
Principal investigator: Mgr. Marián Kotrla, PhD.
Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):
1. ADM Different planting material for establishment of the Miscanthus energy grass plantation [elektronický zdroj] = Rôzny sadbový materiál pre založenia plantáže energetickej trávy Miscanthus] / Martin Prčík, Marián Kotrla. — ilustr. — Popis urobený 5.10.2016. — Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. SK-SRB-2013-0031 and by the AgroBioTech ITMS 26220220180. In: Journal of Central European Agriculture. — ISSN 1332-9049. — vol. 17, no. 3 (2016), s. 778-792, online. — 10.5513/JCEA01/17.3.1775.
2. AFD Rast a tvorba biomasy sadeníc Arundo donax pestovaných na juhozápadnom Slovensku [elektronický zdroj] : Seedlings growth and biomass production of Arudo donax cultivated in southwest Slovakia / Žaneta Pauková, Zuzana Jureková. — ITMS 26220220180, VEGA 1/0767/17. In: Fast-growing trees and plants growing for energy purposes. — 1st ed.. — 1 CD-ROM [80 s.]. — 978-80-552-1738-3 Fast-growing trees and plants growing for energy purposes. — Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture, 2017. — [7] s.