Transfer Center
The Transfer Center of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (TC SUA) is a specialized workplace with a wide-ranging scope aimed at cooperation with the practice, popularization and commercialization of the results of science and research, protection of intellectual property and transfer of knowledge and education. It was established as part of a project funded by the EU Structural funds and cooperates in the application of the results of scientific research activities at the university’s offices and the AgroBioTech Research Center. TC SUA provides, in particular, industrial and legal protection and commercialization of intellectual property and the implementation and coordination of further vocational training.
The Transfer Center creates the space for better interconnection of the university, research and economic practice. Its activities are aimed at supporting the transfer of knowledge, technologies and innovations from the scientific sphere to the commercial sphere, their valorisation and use in practice. It fulfills basic functions such as co-operation with the agri-food sector, popularization and commercialization of science and research results, protection of intellectual property, support for start-up and spin-off companies and international co-operation.
Activities and events
- Registration of intellectual property cases / industrial property objects created by SUA employees and identification of possible cases suitable for technology transfer.
- Mediation of expert support services in the field of industrial intellectual property protection and commercialization of intellectual property.
- Creating internal standards (SUA Directive 4/2017).
- Popularization and professional lectures and activities.
- Monitoring the innovation potential of the SUA in Nitra.
- Innovative audits for agri-food operators, monitoring the innovative needs of agri-food stakeholders.
- Support for setting up spin-off, spin-out companies.
- Further training for practice (
- Coordination of the offer of SUA workplaces and experts to the catalog of products for the consultancy system in the field of agriculture (
Projects and international cooperation
- Danube Transfer Centers network (;;
- Spolupráca s AgCentre, Lousiana State University (;
- Projekt FP7 NoGAP – The Knowledge Transfer Community (
- Projekt Erasmus KA3 HEREG (
- Projekt DTP Interreg Made in Danube MiD (
- University Business Cooperation in Europe (;
- Projekt H2020 POWER4BIO (
- Program rozvoja vidieka SR 2014-2020: schválené obsahové námety na dve odborné vzdelávacie aktivity (Inovatívne poľnohospodárstvo, Základy agropodnikania v špecializovanej rastlinnej a živočíšnej výrobe)
Publications, presentations and awards
- Pravidelná účasť na konferencii Transfer technológií na Slovensku a v zahraničí ( – postery a vyžiadané prednášky.
- Ocenenia: Agrofilm 2015 (, Cena za najlepšie realizovaný transfer technológií 2016 (
- Odborné publikácie, štúdie o spolupráci univerzít a praxe, vedecké články (databáza SLPK).
- CVTI (
- Národný portál pre transfer technológií (
- Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva SR (
- Slovak Business Agency (
- Slovenská inovačná a energetická agentúra (
- Enterprise Europe Network (;
- Bioeconomy cluster (
doc. Mgr. Ing. Danka Moravčíková, PhD. (riaditeľka TC SPU)
+421 918815573
VC ABT, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra
+421 37 641 4949
SLPK, Štúrova 51, 949 01 Nitra
+421 37 641 4692