Laboratory of Innovative Technologies for Crop Production

Scientific and Research Activities of the Laboratory



  • Research in the field of abiotic stress in plants,
  • impact of the technogenic factors generated by the movement of the machines on the soil (pedocompact),
  • impact of variable plant nutrition with nitrogen using DPZ methods.



– „Aplikácia informačných technológií na zvýšenie environmentálnej a ekonomickej udržateľnosti produkčného agrosystému“ ITEPAg – ITMS 26220220014 – riešenie počas obdobia udržateľnosti projektu – bola podaná 4. monitorovacia správa.


Group A (category of publishing activities according to Ministry of Education of SR):

1. AAA Remote sensing methods to determine crop parameters suitable for variable rate nitrogen application on small grain cereals : scientific monograph / Jana Galambošová ; reviewers Katarína Olšovská, František Kumhála. — 1st ed. — Praha : Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering, 2016. — 84 s. : grafy, ilustr., tab. – Research projects VEGA no. 1/0551/08, ITEMS no. 26220220014, ITMS no. 26220220180. – The monograph was printed thank to financial support of Fertzmeier Umwelttechnik GmmH. &Co. — ISBN : 978-80-86884-95-0 (brož.).

2. ADM Effect of controlled traffic farming on weed occurrence / Marek Barát .. [et al.]. — ilustr. — ITEPAg: Application of information technologies to increase the environmental and economic efficiency of production agro-system (ITMS no 26220220014) a Building the Research Centre AgroBioTech’ (ITMS no. 26220220180). In: Agronomy Research. — ISSN 1406-894X. — vol. 15, no. 4 (2017), s. 1484-1490.

3. AFC Drying aspects of selected agricultural crops / Ivan Rigó .. [et al.]. — grafy, ilustr., tab. — AgroBioTech 26220220180. In: 19th international conference of young scientists 2017. — 1st ed.. — 203 s.. — 978-80-213-2771-9 (brož.) International conference of young scientists. — Praha : Czech University of Life Sciences, 2017. — s. 183-188.

4. AFD Vplyv utlačenia pôdy na rast a úrodu kukurice [elektronický zdroj] =] : Impact soil compaction on development of maize and the size of the yield / Andrea Sláviková, František Urban, Vladimír Rataj. — ilustr., tab. — Podporené projektom ITMS 26220220180 a projektom ITEPAg ITMS 262202200014. In: Najnovšie trendy v poľnohospodárstve, v strojárstve a v odpadovom hospodárstve. — 1. vyd.. — 1 CD-ROM (264 s.). — 978-80-552-1492-4 Najnovšie trendy v poľnohospodárstve, v potravinárstve a v odpadovom hospodárstve. — Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2016. — s. 187-195, CD-ROM.